Thursday, October 14, 2021

Caseyshow announcement Oct 14th 2021

 Hello lads and lasses it's me Casey and you might be wondering how's same old gamer part 2 is it even finished? well i'm still working on same old gamer and have more of the caseysode done

And no it isn't finished. YET! Because i still have to work more on this caseysode. Also another announcement we working on a new caseyshow website. If your thinking who's we? Well i'm talking about me and Zai one of my friends is working on the new website. here's the website so far.

Of course it isn't finnished yet. But once it is i will link the website when me and zai are done with the website so yeah.

1 comment:


 Hello there yes i'm still alive. But yeah i'm still working on same old gamer part 2