Sunday, November 28, 2021

Just got a new mouse

 Guys I got really good news. I just got a new mouse. And i even tried drawing with it

Looks pretty good ngl

Also same old gamer part 2 is almost done, In fact. I'm actually halfway done.

Monday, November 8, 2021

November 8th 2021

 Hello agian my lads and lasses it's me Casey agian. And i gotta annoncement. I now almost finnished with the home page with the caseyshow website.

This is how it looks so far.

Also if you click on the blog button. It sends you to THIS OFFICAL BLOG!

swell isn't it XD.

And yes i'm still working on same old gamer part 2 if your wondering.

so yeah see yeah lads and lasses.


 Hello there yes i'm still alive. But yeah i'm still working on same old gamer part 2